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Task 4: Application guidelines for Grants to environmental friendly packaging producers 


This task intended to motivate producers of packaging material to produce environmentally friendly packaging, as a measure to prevent pollution from packaging waste, especially plastic packaging. The following were accomplished:


  • A Report on the “Development of a Packaging Producers Inventory”, including the Inventory / List of Packaging Producers with all the related information, and the Questionnaire that was formulated and used for the collection of data


  • Guidelines and Annexes for the Application for Grants to the Environmentally Friendly Packaging Producers.


Two information days concerning the motivation of industries, and especially packaging producers, to use environmentally friendly material were held in Pristina (3/9/2014) and Peja (5/9/2014).


The tender documents for the submission of proposals for Grants concerning the “Support to the manufacturers of biodegradable packaging materials in Kosovo” (EuropeAid/136169/DD/ACT/XK)
were uploaded in the EC website (Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid / Calls for Proposals and Procurement Notices). The deadline for proposals submission was 29/9/2014.
 The tender procedure was not successful.


The Consultant submitted to the EUOK the revised Guidelines for Applicants for Grants (2/4/2015). The tender documents for the submission of proposals for Grants concerning the “Support to the manufacturers of biodegradable packaging materials in Kosovo” (EuropeAid/136893/DD/ACT/XK) were re-launched on 18/5/2015 (deadline 18/8/2015) The Consultant participated in the Info-Day (3/6/2015) 

This web-page was prepared at the request and with the financial support of the European Union. The views expressed are those of the Consultants and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Kosovo or the European Union.

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