Support Waste Management in Kosovo

Task 3: Tender Documents for the Priority Projects to be financed by IPA
Based on the prioritization that is presented in the Master Plan and the approval of the Steering Committee, three (3) Waste Management Infrastructure Priority Projects were selected in order to be immediately implemented. The selection will depended, among other things, on:
Urgency on addressing waste management problems in specific areas;
Maximization of the positive effect of the project on environmental conditions;
Availability of sites for the development of waste management installations;
Funds availability.
The following WM projects were proposed:
Upgrade of the Existing Transfer Station and Construction of a Material Recycling Facility and Civic Amenity Site, in Ferizaj
Construction of a Material Recycling Facility and a Composting Plant, in Prizren
Construction of a Material Recycling Facility, in Peja
For these three projects the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) were elaborated and the Technical Design and Tender Documents were prepared, in order for the Works Contracts to
be awarded and to initiate the Construction Works.
Apart from these three projects, a project at the northern part of Kosovo was implemented in the beginning of the project, as the waste management situation in the area was extremely problematic. Following the closure of the “Balaban” landfill, there were no waste disposal solutions in the area and waste was dumped in uncontrolled sites. The following were accomplished for the North Kosovo project:
Preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning the “Sanitary Landfill in Savina Stena in N. Kosovo” among the 4 Municipalities of N. Kosovo (North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic) and the EU Office. The
MoU was signed by all the stakeholders.
Elaboration and submission of the EIA Study for the Sanitary Landfill in “Savina Stena”, N. Kosovo.
A public debate was successfully held on 23/7/2014 at the premises of the Municipality of Zvecan, concerning the “Construction of the regional sanitary landfill in Savina Stena
in the territory of the Municipality of Zvecan”.
The Environmental Consent / Permit for the “Savina Stena” Sanitary Landfill in Zvecan, N. Kosovo was issued by MESP
on 2/10/2014.
Elaboration and submission of the Design of the Sanitary Landfill in “Savina Stena”, N. Kosovo.
Elaboration and submission of the Tender Documents for
the “Construction of the Sanitary Landfill in Savina Stena”.
Support to the EUOK during tendering.