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Task 1: Development of Information Management System on Waste


An Information Management System (IMS) was developed. All relevant data and information on waste management will be recorded in the IMS. Via this system a smooth flow of information between the stake-holders will be achieved, which will allow the efficient monitoring of the performance of the waste management systems and support the authorities (mainly KEPA) in relation to their reporting obligations.
The following activities are foreseen:


Design of the IMS on Waste

The IMS and the database is available at the following (temporary) website. The IMS was presented to the stakeholders (KEPA, MESP, EUOK) in several meetings and the received comments were incorporated in the IMS.


Procedures and manuals for the IMS operation

An Administrative Instruction that regulates activities related to the establishment, operation and maintenance of the Waste Management Information System including registration of use, transfer and data protection, as well as roles and responsibilities on reporting of key waste management actors, was prepared. A “User manual of the IMS on Waste” was established, based on the provisions of the Waste Law (No.04-L060 of 2012). 


Input of waste data to the IMS

The recording of all the available waste data to the IMS was completed.



Training of the KEPA / MESP staff (and other stakeholders) on the use of the IMS took place in April and September 2015.

This web-page was prepared at the request and with the financial support of the European Union. The views expressed are those of the Consultants and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Kosovo or the European Union.

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