Support Waste Management in Kosovo

An EU funded project managed
by the European Union Office
in Kosovo

The WMK project seeks to support Kosovo competent authorities, and especially the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP),to develop and successfully implement a modern waste management system in the country.
The system will consider all phases of waste management from prevention of generation, to collection, to final disposal of the residues. The development and operation of the new system will ultimately result in a cleaner and safer environment. The waste will be collected, treated and disposed off according to the EU best practices, which will help in reducing pollution to air, soil and groundwater.
The Kosovo authorities will be supported in developing all necessary tools, procedures and methodologies to monitor the waste management system.
The project commencement date was January 20th, 2014, and the end date for the implementation was January 19th, 2016. A 2-year extension was given in order to provide “supervision services” during the construction of the sanitary landfill in Zvecan.
In July 2016, the EU Information and Cultural Centre in Pristina awarded the first place of the Green Kosovo competition to the Support Waste Management in Kosovo project.
The “Support Waste Management in Kosovo (EuropeAid/133800/C/SER/XK) project is implemented by the Consortium: